This is another soda I bought because of the name. I don't know if it's pronounced "See See" or "Sissy" or some other way entirely (it's Dutch after all), but I prefer "Sissy" myself. It tastes like orange juice but I don't know if there's even anything orange in there besides coloring: vruchtensap—I think that means fruit juice—10% (8% is sinaasappelsap—I think that's apple juice—and 2% limoensap—I think that's lemon juice). Also, the label said "JUN.05" but I can't tell if that's when it was bottled, which is slightly alarming--or when it expired, which is very alarming. All in all, "enh" for the taste and "bleh" for the coating in my mouth.
Official site
2 of 5 stars